We are excited to announce that we will be at this year’s Dowerin Field Day August 28-29 2013. All our staff and some of our trades people will be in attendance over the two days to answer any of your questions and show you first hand how custom building your home will cost you no more than from an existing set plan.

First time design release
For the first time ever and exclusively for the field day, we have designed our new “Country Classic Edition” especially for country people who have particular requirements in a country lifestyle. It will be unveiled and on show for the duration of the field day for your information and comments.
FREE Colouring In Competition for the kids
A fantastic first prize of a Derwent timber boxed set of professional coloured pencils valued at nearly $300 will be awarded to the best entry in our colouring in competition for years 4-7. A show bag of art supplies is second prize and paint and brush set for third prize. Plus: five encouragement awards for the most creative entries by budding young artists.
Information about this terrific competition will be published in The Advocate newspaper in July and the winners will be on show at our stand at the field day. Keep an eye out for details.
FREE showbags
A free show bag will be given to the first 100 families each day who call into our site.
The bags contain community information, pads pencils, sweets, balloons and other goodies all contained in a bag you can use throughout the show for other “collectables”
Visit us again soon
We will be updating information here on our new news site to keep you informed of preparations for the field day and where you can locate us. Also other information pertaining to new developments in our custom build services for you.
The Stallion Homes Team